Music Publishing

Without publishing, you’re missing out on 50% of your potential earnings. Free set-up, earn more, keep 100% of your copyrights and pay as little as 0% commission.

What We Do

Laguna makes designing easy and performance fast

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 Publishing Setup

Instant publishing with no set-up cost and no long term contracts.

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30% commission

Transparency is key to any successful partnership. We provide you with detailed reports on your earnings and the commission charged, so you can easily track your progress.

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Worldwide collection

We register your music directly with royalty organisations in over 150 countries.

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Claim royalty back payments

You can claim royalties from as far back as 2 years ago in many cases.

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Register live performances

Earn royalties from your past and present live performances.

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Collect YouTube royalties

We offer YouTube monetisation and collection at no extra cost.

Your Performing Rights Organisation is only collecting half of your royalties

Unlock Your Full Earning Potential: Global Royalty Collection in Over 150 Countries!

Expand your reach to over 150 countries, including territories 
covered by other PROs (Performing Rights Organizations)
From performance royalties for live shows and broadcasts to mechanical royalties from physical and digital sales,
Stay informed with detailed reports on your earnings from various sources and countries. Our transparent reporting ensures you have a clear picture of your revenue streams.
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